
Key Takeaways:

  • Commercial solar roofs are a great way to reduce energy costs while using renewable energy sources. Still, if they don’t work correctly, all those savings can quickly disappear!
  • Fortunately, by understanding some of the common reasons why your commercial solar roof might not generate enough charge (such as faulty components/wiring or an incorrect setup), you can fix these problems before they grow into bigger issues down the line! So don’t delay – have your system inspected today!
  • With proper maintenance and periodic testing, you should have no problem keeping your commercial solar roof running smoothly for years to come!
  • Can-Am Roofing of Central Florida, LLC offers roofing and solar services to customers in Rockledge, FL, and the surrounding areas.

If you have a commercial solar roof, you may have noticed that it’s not generating a charge. It can be highly concerning, as a solar panel system is integral to your production process. It’s essential to determine the cause of the issue and find a solution as soon as possible. Can-Am Roofing of Central Florida, LLC will go over possible reasons why your solar panel isn’t charging and provide suggestions for solving the problem.

Common Issues with Commercial Solar Roofs

Commercial solar roofs are becoming increasingly popular for business owners and homeowners alike. However, when your solar roof needs to generate more charge, you may wonder what the cause is.

1. Solar Charge Controller Issue

The charge controller is the most common reason for a solar panel not charging batteries. The charge controller regulates the power coming from the solar panels and keeps it at an appropriate level for your batteries. A faulty or malfunctioning charge controller can lead to problems with battery charging. To check if this is the issue, look at the charge controller settings and make sure they are correct. You can also check for any signs of damage or corrosion on the charge controller.

2. Faulty Solar Panel

Another issue could be that one or more solar panels in your system must be fixed. It could be due to physical damage, faulty wiring connections, or even just a buildup of dust and grime blocking light from reaching them effectively. Before replacing any panels, scrutinize each panel for any signs of damage or blockage that could be causing issues with power generation. 

3. Incorrect Setup

Suppose everything looks okay with your hardware components, but you still can’t get your system to generate a charge. In that case, it may be due to an incorrect setup or configuration issue. Make sure all connections between components are secure and correct before trying again to see if that solves your problem. Also, double-check that all settings are set up correctly and according to manufacturer instructions before troubleshooting further.

4. Faulty Battery 

Finally, your battery may have become damaged over time due to improper use or storage conditions leading to reduced capacity or outright failure of cells inside the battery pack itself, which would result in power output problems when trying to recharge them via solar energy input. Test out different batteries to diagnose this issue further before considering replacement.

All in all, there are several potential causes for why your commercial solar roof isn’t generating a charge—from faulty hardware components like the charge controller or battery pack to incorrect setup issues like wiring connections or incompatible settings—which can be easily identified through careful inspection and testing procedures to find solutions quickly and efficiently so you can get back up and running quickly. With these tips, you’ll be able to troubleshoot any problems with your solar roof without hassle! Thanks for reading!

Tips to Solve Commercial Solar Roof Issues

1. Assess the Roof

The first step in solving commercial solar roof issues is to assess the roof. It means taking a close look at the condition of the roof and determining what, if any, repairs are needed. If the top is in good condition, it should support the weight of the solar panels without issue. However, if the roof’s condition is poor, it may need to be repaired or replaced before installing solar panels.

Also, read our blog on solar scams and deceptive practices.

2. Choose the Right Type of Solar Panel

Solar panels are of two types: monocrystalline and polycrystalline. Monocrystalline panels are made from single silicon crystals. They are more efficient, while polycrystalline panels are made from multiple silicon crystals but are more expensive.

3. Consider the Climate

When choosing commercial solar panels, it is crucial to consider the climate in which they will be used. Solar panels work best in sunny environments, so monocrystalline panels would be the best choice if the business is located in an area with lots of sun. However, if the company is in a cloudy climate, then polycrystalline panels would be a better choice.

4. Calculate the Size of the System

The next step in solving commercial solar roof issues is to calculate the system size needed. It will depend on several factors, including the amount of electricity the business uses and the amount of sunlight that hits the roof. Once the size of the system has been determined, it will be easier to choose the right type and number of solar panels.

5. Install Brackets or Racks

Once the size and type of solar panel have been chosen, it is time to install brackets or racks to hold them in place. The brackets or racks should be installed to be level and secure. They should also be installed in areas where trees or other objects will not obstruct them.

6. Connect the Panels to an Inverter

The next step is to connect each solar panel to an inverter. The inverter converts direct current (DC) into alternating current (AC), which businesses can use. Choosing an inverter compatible with the type of solar panel being used is vital.

7. Mounting Rails and Wires

After connecting all solar panels to inverters, it is time to install mounting rails and wires. The mounting rails provide support for the solar panels and keep them level. The cables connect each panel to its inverter and carry electricity from one panel to another. It is essential to ensure that all connections are secure and that no loose wires are hanging down from the system.

8. Use Quality Materials

It is essential to use quality materials for commercial solar roofs. It includes the panels and the mounts used to attach them to your top. Quality materials will help ensure that your project is durable and long-lasting.


9. Hire a Reputable Roofing Contractor

Another important tip for ensuring a successful commercial solar roof project is to hire a reputable roofing contractor. The contractor you choose should have experience installing solar roofs and should be able to provide you with references from past projects. Additionally, get a written estimate from the roofing contractor before beginning work.

Click here to learn the answers to FAQs about commercial solar rooftop systems.

Need Solar Services in Rockledge, FL? No Problem!

Can-Am Roofing of Central Florida, LLC is the best choice among roofing contractors in Rockledge, FL. We have over 20+ years of experience in high-quality commercial solar roofs and solar solutions and a firm commitment to excellence. Plus, we are fully licensed, bonded, insured, and certified by some of the most well-known names in the business. So what are you waiting for?

Contact us today to get a free estimate!

You are currently viewing Get Your Roof Ready For Solar System With These Tips


Key Takeaways:

  • Taking the time to get your roof ready for a solar system this spring is essential if you want your system to last as long as possible and operate optimally.
  • Simple maintenance tasks like cleaning your panels, inspecting the wiring, and ensuring there are no damaged or loose parts can go a long way in keeping your system running smoothly.
  • Can-Am Roofing of Central Florida, LLC offers roofing and solar services to customers in Palm Bay, FL, and the surrounding areas.

It’s time to prepare for the spring season! That means it’s time to start thinking about solar. Like many homeowners, you’re probably wondering how to prepare your home for solar. Well, don’t worry; we’ve got you covered. Can-Am Roofing of Central Florida, LLC will discuss tips to help you get your roof ready for solarinstallation.

Tips to Get Your Roof Ready for Solar Installation

1. Schedule a Roof Inspection

Before you can go for solar panel installation, you must ensure that your roof is in good condition. Schedule a roof inspection with a qualified contractor. During the examination, the roofing contractor will check for any damage or potential problems that could interfere with the solar installation process. Solar panels can be heavy, so you’ll want to ensure that your roof has the strength to carry the weight of the panels. You should also inspect your roof for any damage.

2. Clean Your Roof

It will ensure that the roofing contractor has a clear area to work in and that the solar panels can get the maximum sunlight. You can clean your roof yourself or hire a professional roofing contractor to do it for you.

3. Remove Any Obstacles from Your Roof

After your roof has been inspected and cleaned, you need to remove any obstacles preventing the solar panels from being installed properly. It includes removing trees or branches close to your home and antennas or other objects that could block the sun from reaching the panels.

4. Clean Your Gutters and Downspouts

It’s essential to keep your gutters and downspouts clean before installing solar panels, as leaves and other debris can block the flow of water and cause problems. You should also ensure that no loose nails or other sharp objects could puncture the panels.

5. Trim Trees and Shrubs around Your Home

If you have trees or shrubs near your home, it’s essential to trim them before installing solar panels. It is because overhanging branches can shade the panels and reduce their efficiency. Additionally, fallen leaves and debris can accumulate on the boards and cause them to overheat.

6. Make Sure Your Roof Can Carry the Weight of the Solar Panels

Solar panels are relatively heavy, so you must ensure that your roof is strong enough to support its weight. You may need to repair or strengthen it before proceeding with the installation.

7. Choose the Right Type of Solar Panel for Your Needs

Many types of solar panels are available, so picking the one that best suits your needs is crucial. The most common types of panels are monocrystalline and polycrystalline, but newer technologies, such as thin-film and amorphous silicon panels, are becoming more popular.

8. Determine the Best Location for Your Solar Panels

The location of your solar panels is critical, as they need to be in an area where they will receive direct sunlight for most of the day. If you live with many trees or other obstructions, you may need to install additional solar panels to compensate for the shading.

Also, read our blog on how to optimize your solar roof for maximum energy output.

9. Mounting Hardware and Brackets

To secure the solar panel to your roof, you will need mounting hardware and brackets. Many types of hardware are available, so choosing something compatible with your roof and the type of panel you have chosen is crucial. The most common type of bracket is called an L-bracket, but U-brackets, J-hooks, and S-hooks are also available. Once you have selected the correct type of hardware, you need to drill holes into your roof and secure the brackets with screws.

10. Flashings

Flashings are used around openings in roofs to prevent water leakage. When installing solar panels, it is crucial to use flashings around all outlets, such as around vents, chimneys, skylights, and pipe penetrations. Many different types of flashings are available on the market, so choosing something compatible with your roof and the type of panel you have chosen is essential. The most common type of flashing is made from aluminum, but flashings are also made from copper, stainless steel, and lead.

11. Electrical Wiring

You must install electrical wiring between each panel and an inverter for your solar panel system to function correctly. The inverter converts direct (DC) electricity into alternating (AC) electricity, which appliances in your home can use. The size and type of wire you need depend on the number of panels in your system and the distance between each panel.

12. Grounding Rods

Grounding rods prevent electrical shocks in case of lightning strikes or power surges. Following all local building codes and regulations when installing grounding rods is essential. Grounding rods must be driven at least eight feet and connected to the solar system’s grounding wire. It will ensure that your solar panel installation is safe and secure.

13. Install a Strong Mounting System

Solar panels have to be mounted securely to your roof to function properly. Various mounting systems are available, so you’ll need to choose one appropriate for your particular roof type. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully when installing the mounting system.

14. Connect the Panels to an Inverter

Once the solar panel array is installed, you’ll need to connect it to an inverter. The inverter converts the DC power produced by the solar panel into AC power that appliances in your home can use. Various inverters are available, so you’ll need to choose one compatible with your particular system.

15. Install a Monitoring System

A monitoring system allows you to track how much electricity is produced by your solar panel array. This information can help determine whether or not your system is operating efficiently. Additionally, some monitoring systems will send alerts if there are problems with your system.

Related: Find out what to check before installing solar panels on your roof.


Key Takeaways:

  1. US homeowners have started exploring solar power as an alternative energy source due to its many benefits.
  2. Some common reasons people don’t invest in solar power systems are the initial cost, lack of reliability, and difficulty in installation and maintenance.
  3. With technological advances, solar panels are becoming more affordable, reliable, and easy to maintain.
  4. Solar power is a clean, renewable energy source that has many benefits for individuals and the environment.

The US produced 1143.757 gigawatts (GW) of energy in 2021 through burning fossil fuels like oil and gas. However, as technology advances, more homeowners have begun to explore solar power as an alternative energy source. Data from the US Energy Information Administration shows that residential solar power installations rose by 34% between 2020 and 2021, increasing from 2.9 GW to 3.9 GW. It demonstrates how seriously US homeowners have started making solar energy to power their homes.

Have you been thinking of installing a solar power system? Are you worried about potential problems or issues? You’re not alone! Many people have questions about solar, which is why we’re here to help. Can-Am Roofing of Central Florida, LLC will go over some common issues people have with solar systems – and how to solve them. So read on for information that can help make your decision easier!

Why Don’t People Invest in Solar Power Systems?

Although solar power is an alternative source, only some homeowners have shown interest and adopted the solar power lifestyle. Why is that? Well, there are several opinions people have made regarding solar panels, which may or may not be true. Let’s go through each of them and clear away these doubts so you can make a more informed decision.

1. Solar Systems are too Expensive.

While it’s true that solar systems are initially expensive, that’s because we’re still new relatively new to the concept of using solar energy. Solar power systems utilize sensitive machinery and require a lot of engineering to make efficient ones. It generally increases the upfront cost of installing a solar power system.

But with time, the cost of solar systems has decreased significantly compared to what it used to be ten years ago. Other than that, after installation, they can pay for themselves. Solar energy systems can result in massive savings if most home electricity is generated through them.

An average home pays about $125 for electricity utilized. By making the switch to solar, experts suggest that you could save up to $1500 each year until the end of the solar panel lifespan. Plus, you can get government subsidies and tax credits for installing them on your roof.

A more environmentally friendly and financially sensible option would be to get solar installation for a portion of your house.

Related: Can Solar Panels Power An Entire House?

2. People Are Worried About Reliability

Another reason people doubt solar energy is based on reliability. People consider it an unreliable energy source because it requires contact with the sun. It is true to a certain extent, but some solutions can be implemented to help alleviate this concern.

First, modern solar panels are highly durable and able to withstand harsh weather conditions, such as severe storms or downpours of rain. Furthermore, batteries have been developed in recent years that store excess energy from when the sunlight is ample and use it during times of shortage.

Consult with local solar installers, as they know how to deal with these issues. They can recommend batteries and provide tips to help manage solar power more effectively.

3. Difficulty Of Installation & Maintenance

Solar panel installation requires professional knowledge and experience for it to be done correctly. People may also worry about how costly the installation will be depending on their roof size and what type of system they purchase. But with more companies offering financing options, homeowners now have access to numerous ways to make this process more affordable.

Additionally, maintenance is also a significant issue for solar power systems. Regular cleaning and checking of the system can help ensure it works properly and efficiently. However, solar panels are made durable. According to experts, they have a lifespan of 25-30 years with proper maintenance. Ensure to clean them every few weeks or after harsh weather to maintain efficiency.

While some people can do regular maintenance on their own, getting a professional inspection once every year will guarantee the system’s condition is always in check.

Factors That Affect Solar Power Systems

Although you may comprehend the problems and resolutions concerning solar power systems, you might still question their productivity. If that is the case, knowing these factors about solar panels can assist you in boosting their efficiency:

1. Shade

You’ll want to install your solar panels in an area without shade throughout the day. Otherwise, you’ll see a significant drop in power output.

2. Temperature

Heat decreases the production of solar cells; however, good ventilation systems will help keep them cool enough to produce at a maximum level. Focus on an area on your roof ventilated from all sides to ensure it’s cool even during sunny days.


3. Snow Cover

Snowfall can reduce efficiency because it blocks some of the light that’s supposed to be absorbed by the panels. Dust away snow after a snowfall so it remains in contact with sunlight.

4. Direction

To receive optimal energy output, your solar panels should face south in the Northern Hemisphere. And north within the Southern Hemisphere, with a slight tilt facing up toward the sun for most seasons.

5. Wiring & Connections

Poor wiring or connections are common problems leading to a lack of productivity. They need immediate attention from professional technicians to fix. Consider getting it installed and maintained by a solar installer to ensure the wiring and connection are in optimal condition.


In conclusion, the issues with solar power are not insurmountable and could be easily fixed. With proper maintenance, you can ensure that your solar panels are functioning as best possible, providing clean energy for years to come! Whether you’re already a solar panel user or thinking of making the switch, keeping these potential issues in mind pays off. It will help you take the necessary steps to avoid them and keep your system running smoothly.

In the end, clean energy is the way forward – invest in renewable sources such as solar power today for a brighter future tomorrow.

Professional Solar Installers in Melbourne, FL

If you’re considering going solar, then Can-Am Roofing of Central Florida LLC, serving Melbourne, FL, can help. We’ll guide you through every step of the process, from calculating your savings to projecting output to expert installation. Thanks to the excellent energy tax credits and cash incentives available right now, there’s no better time than today to go solar!

Get in touch with us for a free estimate.


Key Takeaways:

  1. Homeowners interested in solar energy should be aware of the common solar scams associated with the industry.
  2. Some companies may use false advertising to lure customers into signing expensive financing contracts.
  3. Others may employ high-pressure sales tactics or make misleading claims about their products or services.
  4. Door-to-door selling and hidden fees are also red flags that a company may not be legitimate.
  5. Despite the potential risks, going solar comes with many benefits, including saving money on your energy bill, increased home value, and tax credits & incentives from state & local governments.

As a homeowner, you’re interested in learning how to save money on your energy bill. And if you’re considering adding solar panels to your home, you must know what benefits you could expect. But with all the scams, it’s also important to be careful and research before choosing a solar company. In this blog post, Can-Am Roofing of Central Florida, LLC will discuss some of the most typical solar scams and some unheard benefits of going solar. So read on to learn more & find the best option for you!

Solar Is on The Boom, But So Are the Scams!

The rapidly-growing demand for solar energy is great news for all Americans!

With the booming solar industry, you might encounter more false advertisements and solar scams.

While many reputable solar providers are out there, it’s still important to do your due diligence before committing to anyone. Many Facebook and other social media ads nowadays use enticing words like “low-cost” or “no upfront cost” to draw in lower and middle-class homeowners for solar programs.

Although it may be appealing to find a solar installation that costs close to nothing, many of these deals are advertised through false claims about special government programs or utility benefits. These non-existent offers make it difficult for customers genuinely interested in going solar with little money down. Thankfully, there are reliable financing products available from installers and solar companies that allow you to finance your equipment with no upfront cost.

Who’s Behind These Solar Scams?

They are typically based in completely different areas from their target communities. Private companies use false advertising to create “leads,” or customers who will probably buy what they sell.

After you fill out a sign-up form on one of these sites (usually to “see if you qualify”), a salesperson will contact you about solar loans or financing products.

Salespeople may tell you that a product has no upfront cost because of some “special government program.” While there are options for financing with no initial payment, they’re hardly ever special government programs. It’s more likely an aggressive sales tactic by a private company.

Do Not Fall for These Scams

Let’s go through the most common solar scams and how you can protect yourself.

1. False Advertising Scam

This type of scam usually involves a solar installation company advertising a deal that is too perfect to be true — like “free solar” or “zero money down.” The company will then try to sign you up for expensive financing contracts, requiring large payments over 20 years with high-interest rates. Don’t be fooled; there is no such thing as free solar!

2. High-Pressure Sales Tactics

Many solar companies will use heavy-handed sales tactics to get you to sign on the dotted line quickly. They may tell you that their offer is limited-time only or that they won’t be able to guarantee certain incentives if you don’t sign right away. Don’t let them pressure you into deciding before you’re ready. Solar is an investment that should be made carefully and wisely. Take your time researching the company and its offerings before signing anything.

3. Misleading Claims

Some solar companies may make misleading claims about their products or services to convince you to buy them. Always research and cross-check any information they provide with other sources before making any decisions. Check online reviews of the company and any industry associations they may be members of to verify their legitimacy.

4. Door-To-Door Selling

Solar companies may offer door-to-door sales to get consumers to sign up for their services. This is not a recommended way of doing business since it can be difficult to verify the legitimacy of the company or the quality of its products when they come directly to your home. Always take your time and research any offers before signing anything.

5. Hidden Fees

Some solar companies may charge hidden fees during installation, such as permit applications and related costs. Be sure to ask about any additional charges that may be imposed so that you know exactly what costs are involved before agreeing to anything. You might get pulled into a solar scam if you are not careful enough.


The Unheard Benefits of Going Solar

Despite the potential risks, the benefits of going solar are tremendous. Let’s skim through some of the most important ones.

  1. Saving Money: The money saved from going solar can be substantial, depending on the size & type of system you install. Solar energy is free, after all, so once it’s set up, there are no more bills to pay for electricity!

Related: Going Solar: An End Date to Your Commercial Energy Bill

  • Environmentally-Friendly Energy Source: Solar energy is a renewable resource that doesn’t emit greenhouse gases. It produces clean, sustainable power and helps reduce our dependence on fossil fuels like coal or oil.
  • Increased Home Value: Passing on your home’s increased value to potential buyers is another benefit of going solar. Studies have shown that homes with rooftop solar installations sell at a premium compared to homes without them.
  • Energy Independence: Having solar panels installed allows you to generate your electricity, making you less reliant on utility companies for power and helping you save money in the long run.
  • Tax Credits & Incentives: Many states, cities, and even utility companies offer incentives or tax credits for folks who install solar panels on their homes. This can help offset some of the installation costs and make going solar even more affordable.

Ending Note

We all know that nothing in life is free, which is true regarding solar energy. While there are some great benefits associated with going solar, it’s important to be aware of possible solar scams and do your due diligence before investing in a solar energy system. If you research carefully, ask the right questions and pay attention to warning signs of potential scammers, you should have no problem finding an honest provider with your best interests.

The numerous benefits of installing a rooftop solar panel system on your home can certainly be worth the effort!

Following these simple steps, you can enjoy all the blessings of solar power without worrying about getting scammed. So, whether you’re considering going solar or installing a system, it’s important to know the most common types of solar scams & how to avoid them.

Looking For Solar Installation Services in Rockledge? We Can Help!

Here at Can-Am Roofing & Solar of Central Florida, LLC, we will help you with every stage of adding a solar system to your property in Rockledge. We can estimate your savings, output & projection and provide expert installation. Thanks to the fantastic energy tax credits and cash incentives, now is an ideal time to switch to solar!

You can save money for years to come by switching to solar energy, and our professional team is here to help you every step of the way.

Get in touch with us today!


Key Takeaways:

  1. Homeowners interested in solar energy should be aware of the common solar scams associated with the industry.
  2. Some companies may use false advertising to lure customers into signing expensive financing contracts.
  3. Others may employ high-pressure sales tactics or make misleading claims about their products or services.
  4. Door-to-door selling and hidden fees are also red flags that a company may not be legitimate.
  5. Despite the potential risks, going solar comes with many benefits, including saving money on your energy bill, increased home value, and tax credits & incentives from state & local governments.

As a homeowner, you’re interested in learning how to save money on your energy bill. And if you’re considering adding solar panels to your home, you must know what benefits you could expect. But with all the scams, it’s also important to be careful and research before choosing a solar company. In this blog post, Can-Am Roofing of Central Florida, LLC will discuss some of the most typical solar scams and some unheard benefits of going solar. So read on to learn more & find the best option for you!

Solar Is on The Boom, But So Are the Scams!

The rapidly-growing demand for solar energy is great news for all Americans!

With the booming solar industry, you might encounter more false advertisements and solar scams.

While many reputable solar providers are out there, it’s still important to do your due diligence before committing to anyone. Many Facebook and other social media ads nowadays use enticing words like “low-cost” or “no upfront cost” to draw in lower and middle-class homeowners for solar programs.

Although it may be appealing to find a solar installation that costs close to nothing, many of these deals are advertised through false claims about special government programs or utility benefits. These non-existent offers make it difficult for customers genuinely interested in going solar with little money down. Thankfully, there are reliable financing products available from installers and solar companies that allow you to finance your equipment with no upfront cost.

Who’s Behind These Solar Scams?

They are typically based in completely different areas from their target communities. Private companies use false advertising to create “leads,” or customers who will probably buy what they sell.

After you fill out a sign-up form on one of these sites (usually to “see if you qualify”), a salesperson will contact you about solar loans or financing products.

Salespeople may tell you that a product has no upfront cost because of some “special government program.” While there are options for financing with no initial payment, they’re hardly ever special government programs. It’s more likely an aggressive sales tactic by a private company.

Do Not Fall for These Scams

Let’s go through the most common solar scams and how you can protect yourself.

1. False Advertising Scam

This type of scam usually involves a solar installation company advertising a deal that is too perfect to be true — like “free solar” or “zero money down.” The company will then try to sign you up for expensive financing contracts, requiring large payments over 20 years with high-interest rates. Don’t be fooled; there is no such thing as free solar!

2. High-Pressure Sales Tactics

Many solar companies will use heavy-handed sales tactics to get you to sign on the dotted line quickly. They may tell you that their offer is limited-time only or that they won’t be able to guarantee certain incentives if you don’t sign right away. Don’t let them pressure you into deciding before you’re ready. Solar is an investment that should be made carefully and wisely. Take your time researching the company and its offerings before signing anything.

3. Misleading Claims

Some solar companies may make misleading claims about their products or services to convince you to buy them. Always research and cross-check any information they provide with other sources before making any decisions. Check online reviews of the company and any industry associations they may be members of to verify their legitimacy.

4. Door-To-Door Selling

Solar companies may offer door-to-door sales to get consumers to sign up for their services. This is not a recommended way of doing business since it can be difficult to verify the legitimacy of the company or the quality of its products when they come directly to your home. Always take your time and research any offers before signing anything.

5. Hidden Fees

Some solar companies may charge hidden fees during installation, such as permit applications and related costs. Be sure to ask about any additional charges that may be imposed so that you know exactly what costs are involved before agreeing to anything. You might get pulled into a solar scam if you are not careful enough.

You are currently viewing Can Solar Power Save The World In The Future?


Key Takeaways:

  • Solar energy has the potential to help us meet our electricity needs in the future, as it is a clean and renewable resource.
  • We can use several different technologies to harness solar power, such as photovoltaics and concentrated solar thermal.
  • Solar power faces some challenges, including intermittency and storage issues. However, these problems are being actively researched by scientists and engineers.
  • Can-Am Roofing of Central Florida, LLC offers seal coating services to customers in Palm Bay, FL, and the surrounding areas.

The way we generate and consume energy is changing with time. Solar power has been rising recently as people have become more aware of its potential to limit our dependence on fossil fuels. But can solar energy save the world?

Can-Am Roofing of Central Florida, LLC will evaluate the pros and cons of solar energy. Later, we’ll talk about some of the issues solar energy is currently experiencing and how to fix them.

Benefits of Solar Energy

1. Renewable Resource

It means that it can be replenished or replaced naturally and relatively quickly. For example, when solar panels convert sunlight into electricity, the process doesn’t deplete the sun’s energy or cause pollution.

Related: How solar works.

2. Sustainability

It can meet our current needs without compromising the capacity of upcoming generations to meet their needs. For example, solar power doesn’t produce greenhouse gases or other pollutants that can harm the environment.

3. Abundant

The sun is a potent energy source, and its rays can be used to produce electricity on a large scale. If we could harness all of the solar energy hitting the Earth daily, we could meet the world’s power needs many times.

4. Versatility

Solar panels can generate electricity for homes, businesses, and even vehicles. Solar thermal systems are used to heat water or air for both residential and commercial properties.

5. Cost-Effectiveness

The cost of solar panels has reduced significantly in recent years, making them a more affordable option for homeowners and businesses. Additionally, solar power can save money on your electric bill.

6. Reliability

Solar panels can capture sunlight on cloudy days and during winter months when the sun’s rays are weaker. And because they don’t rely on the grid, they can continue to generate electricity even when the power goes out.

7. Safety

Solar power doesn’t produce harmful emissions that can damage human health or the environment. Additionally, solar panels don’t require water for cooling, so they don’t pose a risk of water contamination like other forms of energy generation.

8. Easy to Maintain

Once solar panels are installed, they require very little maintenance. In most cases, all you need to do is keep them clean and free of debris. And because they have no moving parts, there’s little risk of breakage or malfunction.

9. Creates Jobs 

The solar industry employs thousands of people in various occupations, from manufacturing and installation to sales and marketing. And as the demand for solar increases, so will the number of jobs in the industry.

10. Strengthens Communities

When communities generate their solar power, they become less reliant on outside sources of electricity. This not only reduces emissions but also makes communities more resilient in the face of power outages or other disruptions to the grid.

11. Reduces Dependence on Foreign Oil

Because solar power can be generated domestically, it reduces our need to import oil from other countries. It decreases our trade deficit and reliance on unstable foreign governments for energy needs.

12. Improves National Security

Reducing our dependence on foreign oil also reduces our vulnerability to terrorist attacks and political unrest in oil-producing countries.

Challenges that Solar Energy Faces

Solar energy is a renewable resource to generate electricity. Still, it faces several challenges that must be overcome before becoming a significant power source.

1. High Upfront Cost

One of the biggest challenges facing solar energy is its high upfront cost. Solar panels are expensive to manufacture and install, requiring a significant amount of land to generate enough power for a single home or business.

2. Intermittency

Another challenge facing solar energy is its intermittency. Solar panels only produce electricity when the sun is shining, meaning they cannot provide power at night or on cloudy days. This intermittent nature of solar energy makes integrating into the existing grid challenging.

3. Competition from Other Renewable Resources

Solar energy faces competition from other renewable resources, such as wind and hydropower. These resources are often cheaper and more reliable than solar, making it difficult for solar to compete.

4. Public Perception

The final challenge facing solar energy is public perception. Many people still view solar as an unreliable and expensive technology, and this perception needs to change if solar becomes a significant player in the energy market.

Solutions to Improve Solar Power Systems

1. Increase Efficiency

One way to overcome the high cost of solar panels is to increase their efficiency. Researchers are working on new technologies that can increase the number of solar electricity panels generated from the same amount of sunlight.

Also, read our blog on how to maximize your solar roof for maximum energy output.

2. Combine Solar Power with Other Forms of Power Generation

Another way to reduce the cost of solar energy is to use it with other forms of generation, such as wind or hydropower. This approach is known as the hybrid generation, and it can help to offset the intermittency of solar power by providing power from other sources when the sun is not shining.

3. Storage

Storage is another critical area of research for solar energy. If we can develop efficient ways to store solar power, it will become much easier to use solar as a reliable source of electricity.

4. Education

Education is key to changing public perception about solar energy. The more people know about the benefits of solar, the more likely they are to support its growth.

Need Solar Solutions in Palm Bay, FL?

If you need a quality solar installation, contact us. We provide top-notch solar solutions for residents and businesses in Palm Bay and the surrounding area, so don’t hesitate to get in touch today for a free estimate. With more than ten years of experience installing solar systems, we’re confident that we can meet your needs and exceed your expectations. Let us show you how easy it is to go solar with Can-Am Roofing of Central Florida, LLC.


Key Takeaways:

  1. Solar energy is a renewable, sustainable, affordable energy source that can power your home or office.
  2. Solar panels are becoming more efficient yearly, and the installation price is also dropping.
  3. Many government incentives and programs are available to help offset the cost of going solar.
  4. Solarizing your offices or homes has multiple advantages like reducing your carbon footprint, saving money on monthly energy costs, and supporting the eventual switch to renewable resources.

If you’ve been planning to go solar, 2023 is the year to do it. With the advancement of solar technology and the decrease in cost, there has never been a better time to solarize your home or office. Solar panels are becoming more efficient, and installation costs are also dropping. In addition, there are now many government incentives and programs available to help offset the cost of going solar. So, if you’ve been waiting for the perfect time to make the switch, 2023 is it.

Solar energy is a renewable, sustainable, affordable energy source that can power your home or office. Adopting solar energy has multiple advantages, including reducing your carbon footprint, saving money on monthly energy costs, and supporting the eventual switch to renewable resources.

If you’re ready to switch to solar, this blog post is for you!

Benefits of Solarizing Your Offices and Homes

1. Solar Energy Is a Renewable Resource

Solar energy is a renewable resource. It can be replenished or replaced over time. Unlike fossil fuels, solar energy is renewable & will never be depleted. Solar energy is a far cleaner option than fossil fuels, as it doesn’t release harmful greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.

2. Solar Energy Is Free

Once you have installed solar panels on your home or business, the sun will provide the energy for free. You will no longer have to pay for electricity from the utility company, which can save you a significant amount of money each month.

3. Solar Energy Is Efficient

Solar panels can convert a large percentage of the sun’s rays into usable electricity. The efficiency rating of solar panels is usually around 15-20%. This means that for every 100 watts of sunlight that hits the panel, 15-20 watts of electricity are generated.

4. Solar Energy Is Versatile

You can use solar energy for various applications, including generating electricity, heating water, and powering appliances. Additionally, solar panels can be used in both residential & commercial settings.

5. Solar Energy Is Becoming More Affordable

The solar panel cost has fallen by more than 70% over the past decade, making it far more affordable than before. Additionally, various financial incentives are available to help offset the upfront cost of installing solar panels.

6. Solar Energy Reduces Your Carbon Footprint

As the world grapples with the ramifications of climate change, it’s more critical than ever to find ways to reduce your carbon footprint. Solar energy is a great way to do this, as it doesn’t produce emissions or pollution.

7. Solar Energy Can Help You Save On Your Energy Bills

Solar panels can significantly reduce your energy costs, as you’ll use less power from the grid. If you produce more power than you need, you can sell it to the utility company.

Related: How Effective Are Solar Panels During Winter?

Essential Factors to Consider Before Going Solar

1. The Amount of Sunlight Your Home Receives

Before going solar, one crucial factor to consider is the sunlight your home receives. Solar panels work best when they have direct sunlight, so trees or other buildings that cast shadows may make a home less ideal for solar. You can check how much sunlight your home receives by using an online tool like the Solar Site Assessment Tool from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory.

2. The Orientation of Your Roof

The roof’s orientation also influences how much solar energy your home can generate. You should install solar panels on a south-facing roof for optimal results. If your roof is not south-facing, you may still be able to generate enough electricity to offset some of your energy usages, but it will likely be less than if you had a south-facing roof.

3. The Pitch of Your Roof

In addition to orientation, the roof’s pitch, or angle, also affects how much solar energy your home can capture. A steeper pitched roof is better than a flat roof for solar because it allows the panels to be installed at a higher angle, giving them more direct sunlight exposure.


4. The Type of Solar Panel You Choose

There are two main solar panel types: crystalline silicon and thin film. Crystalline silicon panels are the most common type of solar panel made from silicon crystals. Thin-film panels are made from thin layers of semiconductor materials such as cadmium telluride or amorphous silicon. Both panels are effective at generating electricity, but crystalline silicon panels are typically more efficient and have a longer lifespan than thin-film panels.

5. Your Budget

Solar panel systems can range in price from around $10,000 to $30,000 or more, depending on the size & type of plan you choose. However, many financial incentives can help offset the cost of going solar, including tax credits and rebates.

6. Your Electric Bill

The electricity bill you pay each month will also play a role in deciding if solar panels are right for you. The more electricity you use, the more significant the potential savings from going solar.

7. Your Utility Company’s Net Metering Policy

Net metering is essential when going solar, as it allows you to receive credit from your utility company for the excess electricity your solar panels produce.

8. Federal And State Tax Incentives

Federal and state tax incentives, such as the Solar Investment Tax Credit (ITC), can significantly reduce the cost of going solar. Check what incentives are available in your area before making a final decision.

Related: Homeowner’s Guide to Going Solar


2023 is shaping up to be an exciting year for solar energy. With new technologies and financing options becoming available, there has never been a better time to go solar. If you’re thinking about making the switch, be sure to do your research and find a reputable solar installer.

Solar is an excellent way to save money on your energy bill & with the right system, it can even provide power during a blackout. We’ll help you make the most of this exciting technology.

Can-Am Roofing of Central Florida, LLC, wants to show you how easy and affordable it can be with our expert solar installation services in Melbourne. Get a free estimate now!

You are currently viewing How To Prepare Your Winter Commercial Roof?


Key Takeaways:

  1. As winter approaches, business owners and property managers should prepare their roofs for the colder months.
  2. Common causes of winter roof damage include snow and ice accumulation, high winds, hail, temperature fluctuations, and poorly insulated attics.
  3. Inspecting a roof for damage includes checking the roof’s perimeter for cracks or holes, inspecting gutters and downspouts, inspecting flashings; looking for moss or algae growth; and having a professional inspect the roof regularly.
  4. Top winter commercial roofing trends include metal, green, and solar roofs.

As winter rapidly approaches, business owners and property managers are gearing up for the cold weather months. This often includes preparations for the commercial roof. Knowing the common winter roofing trends, you can better prepare your roof for the colder months ahead. Keep reading to learn more!

Commercial Roof Repair and Replacement

Roof repair and replacement can be complex and involve, depending on the type and extent of the damage.

  • If the roof is leaking, the first step is to identify and repair the source of the leak. This may involve patching holes, replacing damaged shingles, or sealing seams.
  • Once the roof is watertight, you must replace any damaged insulation or decking.
  • The next step is to install a new layer of vapor barrier and insulation, followed by a new layer of decking.
  • Finally, you can install the new roof surface. This may involve applying asphalt shingles, installing metal panels, or laying down a membrane.

Depending on the type of roof, the process can vary slightly, but these are the general steps involved in commercial roofing repair and replacement.

Causes of Winter Damage to Roofs

1. Snow and Ice

One of the most common causes of winter roof damage is snow and ice accumulation. When snow and ice build up on a roof, it can cause the roof to collapse. Additionally, the weight of the snow and ice can damage the shingles or tiles on the roof.

2. High Winds

Another common cause of winter damage to roofs is high winds. High winds can loosen or break shingles or tiles on the roof, allowing water to enter the home. High winds can cause trees or other objects to fall on the roof, which can also cause damage.

3. Hail

Hail is another common cause of winter roof damage. Hailstones can break or crack shingles or tiles on the roof, allowing water to enter the home. Also, hail can dent metal roofs, leading to leaks.

4. Temperature Fluctuations

Temperature fluctuations are another common cause of winter damage to roofs. Sudden temperature changes can cause shingles or tiles to expand or contract, weakening them & making them more susceptible to damage. Additionally, extreme cold temperatures can cause ice dams to form on the roof, which can also lead to water damage.

5. Poorly Insulated Attics

Another common cause of winter damage to roofs is poorly insulated attics. Heat escaping from the home through the attic can melt snow on the roof. This melted snow can then refreeze and form an ice dam, which can block gutters and prevent proper drainage of water from the top.

How To Inspect a Commercial Roof for Damage?

1. Inspect The Perimeter Of The Roof

Start by walking around the roof’s perimeter to look for any obvious signs of damage. Look for cracks or holes in the roof and any loose or missing shingles. If you notice any damage, make a note of it so that you can have it repaired as soon as possible.

2. Inspect The Gutters And Downspouts.

Next, look at the gutters and downspouts to see if they are clogged or damaged. Blocked drains can cause water to back up and seep under the shingles, leading to leaks. Ensure that the gutters are clear of debris so they can function properly.

3. Inspect The Flashings

The flashings are the metal strips used to seal the edges of the roof and around any openings, such as vents or skylights. Make sure that the flashings are intact and not rusted or damaged in any way.

4. Inspect For Moss And Algae Growth

Moss and algae can grow on roofs in damp or shady areas and cause damage over time. The moss can hold moisture against the roof, leading to rot or leaks. Algae can also discolor the roof and make it more susceptible to damage from ultraviolet rays. If you notice moss or algae growth, have it removed by a professional as soon as possible.

5. Have A Professional Inspect The Roof Regularly

It is a sensible idea to have a professional roofer check your commercial roof at least once a year to look for any hidden damage that you may not be able to see from the ground. They will be able to spot problems early on and make repairs before they become major issues.

Related: How to tell if a roofing contractor is not professional?

Top Commercial Roofing Trends in Winter

1 Metal Roofs

One of the most popular roofing trends in winter is metal roofs. Metal roofs are durable and long-lasting, and they can also help to improve the energy efficiency of a building. Additionally, metal roofs can be installed quickly and easily, which is ideal for businesses needing to replace their roofs promptly.

2. Green Roofs

Green roofs are covered with vegetation, which can help to insulate a building and reduce energy costs. Green roofs can also help to improve air quality and reduce noise pollution.

3. Solar Roofs

Solar roofs are another type of roof that is becoming increasingly popular in the commercial sector. Solar roofs are covered with photovoltaic cells, which convert sunlight into electricity. Solar roofs can help to reduce a business’s energy costs, as well as its carbon footprint.


4. Living Roofs

Living roofs are covered with vegetation but include other features such as soil, water, and drainage systems. Living roofs can provide many of the same benefits as traditional green roofs but can also help improve air quality & reduce noise pollution.

5. Cool Roofs

Cool roofs are designed to reflect sunlight and heat away from a building, which can help keep the interior cooler in summer. Cool roofs can also help to reduce energy costs by reducing the amount of energy required to cool a building.

Related: Winter Roofing Issues


Roofing systems play a vital role in protecting commercial buildings from the elements. With winter looming closer, it’s important to make sure your commercial roof is up to the task of keeping your property warm and dry. By taking the time to prepare your roof now, you can help avoid problems down the road.

Do you have a leaking roof?

Don’t worry; we can help. Can-Am Roofing of Central Florida, LLC, has a team of experienced professionals to provide quality roof maintenance and repair services in Rockledge that will keep your property safe and secure. We’ll work with you to find the best roofing solution for your needs.

You can trust us to get the job done right, on time, and within budget. We’re committed to providing our customers with the best possible service.

Get a free estimate now!


Key Takeaways:

  1. Solar scams are legal but deceptive practices that homeowners should be aware of.
  2. These include high-pressure sales tactics, leasing, and purchasing agreements.
  3. You can avoid solar scams by researching, asking questions, and understanding your rights.
  4. A good solar installation company will be transparent about its pricing, have a good reputation, and offer a warranty on its work.

Are you thinking of adding solar panels to your home? You’re not alone! A growing number of homeowners are switching to solar energy for a good reason. Solar panels are not only a great way to save money each month, but they also help you play a role in saving the environment.

If you’re one of those homeowners looking to switch to solar installation, you should be warned about solar scams. Solar scams are unfortunately common, but not all solar companies are out to scam their customers.

Can-Am Roofing of Central Florida, LLC. will discuss some of the deceptive but legal practices used by some solar companies to watch out for. We’ll also give you tips on avoiding scamming and choosing a quality solar company that will provide you with years of reliable service.

6 Solar Scams Yet Legal Practices to Be Aware Of

When looking into solar panels for your home, you need to entertain the fact that you could get scammed. These six scams are legal but deceptive, so watch out for them!

1. Misleading Solar Savings Estimates

Many solar companies will give you an estimate of the savings you’ll see on your electric bill after switching to solar. This estimate is often based on outdated information or inaccurate assumptions.

To get a more accurate assessment of your potential savings, ask the company for their methodology and references to support their claims. You can also use this solar calculator to understand better how much you could save with solar.

2. Pressure Sales Tactics

Some solar companies use high-pressure sales tactics to get customers to sign on the dotted line. They may employ scare tactics, such as saying that time is running out to take advantage of solar incentives, or they may try to rush you through the decision-making process.

If you feel like you’re being pressured into signing a solar contract, take a step back and do some more research. A reputable company will be happy to answer all your questions and give you the time you need to decide.

3. Promising to Lease or Sell Your Solar System

Some solar companies will try to lease or sell you a solar system rather than help you finance it yourself. While this arrangement has some benefits, it’s not always in your best interest.

When you lease a solar system, you may end up paying more for electricity over the long term than if you had financed the system yourself. And if you decide to sell your home before the lease is up, you may have to pay a hefty fee to cancel the contract.

The main drawback of solar leasing is that you’re not the solar PV system owner. The solar company is. It means you don’t get the 26% of the solar tax credit, but the solar installer does. Other than that, you may also miss out on other state incentives for going solar.

4. Solar Power Purchasing Agreement

Like solar leasing, another popular solar financing option is the Solar Power Purchase Agreement or SPPA. In this agreement, a third-party solar developer owns, operates, and maintains the solar PV system on your rooftop. You purchase the power generated by the system at a fixed rate lower than your current utility rate.

The advantage of this type of financing is that it requires little to no upfront investment from the business owner. The main disadvantage is that you are not the system owner, so you don’t get any tax breaks or other incentives. The installer will be reaping all the benefits. Also, if your business doesn’t stay put for the length of the contract, you may have to pay a hefty fee to cancel the agreement.

5. Misleading Solar System Sizing

A common solar scam is for installers to size the system too small for your needs to make a quick buck. They do this by using outdated information on your energy usage, or they don’t consider future energy needs. An appropriately sized system will cover most, if not all, of your energy requirements and help you save money on your electric bill.

6. Inflated Savings Estimates

Solar companies will often give you an estimate of how much money you’ll save on your electric bill after going solar, which is unrealistically high. They do this by estimating inflated utility rate increases and giving low estimates of how much power your system will produce. Be sure to get a few independent estimates to compare before going solar.

Helpful Tips To Avoid Solar Scams

Solar Scams: Deceptively Legal & Sunny Practices

1. Do Your Research

The number one way to avoid being scammed is by doing your research and knowing what you’re buying. Learn as much as possible about solar energy and the process of going solar. It will help you understand the process and what to expect from a solar company. Read reviews, check with the Better Business Bureau, and get multiple estimates before making any decisions.

2. Get Everything in Writing

Get everything in writing, including all estimates, warranties, contracts, and guarantees. It will protect you if something goes wrong or the company tries to back out of its commitments.

3. Hire a Licensed Contractor

If hiring someone to install your solar panels, be sure they are licensed and insured. It will protect you if any damage or injuries may occur during the installation process.

4. Avoid High-Pressure Sales Tactics

Solar energy is a big investment, so take your time to decide. Avoid any company that uses high-pressure sales tactics or tries to rush you into signing a contract.

5. Know Your Rights

Understand your state and local laws regarding solar energy before entering into any contracts. It will help you know your rights and what you can expect from the installation process.

Also Read: A Solar-Powered Roof: Will It Pay Off?


When it comes to solar energy, it’s essential to research and know your rights. There are several solar scams, but if you’re aware of them, you can avoid them. Look for a reputable solar company that offers a warranty on their work and avoid high-pressure sales tactics.

Expert Solar Installation in Palm Bay, FL

If you’re looking for reputable roof and solar installers in Palm Bay, FL, Can-Am Roofing of Central Florida LLC. is the company for you. Other than residential roofing, we also specialize in solar installations. We’re committed to providing our customers with the highest quality service possible.

Contact us today to learn more about our solar services or get a free estimate for your solar home project.

You are currently viewing Can Solar Panels Power An Entire House?


Key takeaways:

  • Solar panels are photovoltaic cells that collect sunlight and convert it to direct current (D.C.).
  • A modern solar energy system that includes power storage can operate a full house entirely on solar power. Still, there are several factors to consider first: previous power consumption, available space for installation, amount of sunlight the home receives, etc.
  • The average American household consumes 10,400 kWh of power each year; 28-34 solar panels are required to generate enough energy to power the house using 250-watt panels.
  • Solar panels generate less power on cloudy or rainy days; a battery energy storage system will allow you to use reserve energy to power your home (or you may draw from the grid).

Homeowners are constantly looking for ways to save money while maintaining a more energy-efficient lifestyle. And with the rise in the popularity of solar panels, more and more people are wondering if they can power their whole house with these panels. The answer is it depends. Let’s break it down.

How do Solar Panels Work?

Solar panels are composed of smaller parts known as photovoltaic cells. Sunlight is absorbed by these cells and converted into Direct Current (D.C.) power. D.C. electricity flows in one direction and is the electricity most often used in batteries. To be used in your home, this D.C. electricity must be converted into Alternating Current (A.C.) electricity. A.C. electricity alternates directions and is the type of electricity used in most homes. An inverter does the process of converting D.C. electricity into A.C. electricity. Once the A.C. electricity is ready, it flows into your home’s electrical panel and can be used to power your lights, appliances, and more.

Can I Power My Whole House Using a Solar System?

You can operate a full house entirely on solar power with a modern solar energy system that includes power storage. Today’s high-efficiency solar panels and batteries make it more affordable than ever to power a whole home solely with solar energy. However, there are factors to consider:

Factor 01: How Much Energy You Use

Your solar installer must first calculate how much energy your home uses to satisfy 100% of your house’s energy demands. The most popular method is to examine your previous power consumption, which is contained in your monthly bills.

It will, however, go beyond simply reading the most recent bill. A solar installation must consider several elements while creating a system that satisfies all your energy requirements. Your power use will most likely fluctuate from month to month and season to season.

Milder weather in the spring and fall may result in lower power expenses than hot summers with the air conditioner blasting. Longer days and more time spent indoors may cause an increase in power use during the winter. To completely determine how large a system you require, your solar contractor must average how much power you regularly use.

Factor 02: Your Available Space

You’ll need enough space to build a solar system capable of meeting your entire home’s power needs. One 330W solar panel occupies around 19.5 square feet. A typical home’s solar system will range from 5 to 20 kW. That means you’ll need between 312 and 1,189 square feet of bright, unobstructed space to install a system that fulfills your power needs. Roofs are not created equal. North-facing roofs receive less sunshine throughout the day, so you may need to install additional panels to compensate for the reduction in production. Trees that offer continuous shadow to your roof may need to be pruned or removed. Other production barriers include adjoining buildings, chimneys, and even exhaust fans.

Factor 03: Amount of Sunlight Your Home Receives

The average U.S. home receives around four hours of usable sunlight per day. But the sunlight your home receives will vary depending on where you live. For instance, homes in the Southwest receive more sunlight than homes in the Northeast. And even within states, there can be large variations. For example, homes in Melbourne, Florida, receive about twice as much sunlight as homes in Tallahassee, Florida.

How Many Solar Panels Do I need to power the entire home?

The average American household consumes 10,400 kWh of power each year. Installing the average 250-watt solar panel will require 28-34 panels to provide enough energy to power your full home.

In contrast to the normal utility grid, which is automatically connected to your home during construction, solar panel installation is a highly personalized technique that influences its cost. To assess whether solar cells are a suitable fit for you, we recommend performing the following three steps:

  1. Calculate your power use in kWh. This information may be found on your power bill or estimated here.
  2. Divide that figure by the estimated solar production. The precise estimate will depend on your property and the area around it (e.g., tree coverage and regional sunshine). You may get a fair range by utilizing the greatest and lowest production ratios in the U.S., 1.31 (Arizona) and 1.61 (Maine), as recommendations.
  3. Divide that figure by 250, the typical solar cell wattage, to get an estimate and idea of how many panels you could need to generate 100% of your home’s power.
Can Solar Panels Power an Entire House?

Will solar panels still power my home when the sun isn’t out?

Solar panels generate power at a reduced pace on cloudy and rainy days. On a nice sunny day, you should be able to generate enough energy to power your home for the whole day. On other days, you will not receive enough sunshine (or even partial sunlight) to power your entire home. This is where having a storage system or being linked to the grid might help.

When your solar cells are not producing electricity, a battery energy storage system will allow you to use reserve energy to power your home. This is the same backup source that will power your home at night if you choose “off-grid.”

If you do not have solar storage, your home will draw electricity from the grid while your solar panels are not actively producing it (like at night).


While these figures might provide you with a rough sense of what your home needs to run totally on solar power, you should contact a professional solar installation specialist. You’ll want precise data with many variables to consider (such as roof quality and angle, surrounding shade, daily solar exposure, property size, and so on).

Fortunately, Can-Am Roofing of Central Florida can help! We will help you through the process, from calculating savings to predicting production to a professional installation in Melbourne, FL.

Now is the time to go solar, thanks to the tremendous energy tax credits and monetary incentives!

Get in touch with usor get a free estimate today!