Mar 27, 2023


Key Takeaways:

  • Commercial solar roofs are a great way to reduce energy costs while using renewable energy sources. Still, if they don’t work correctly, all those savings can quickly disappear!
  • Fortunately, by understanding some of the common reasons why your commercial solar roof might not generate enough charge (such as faulty components/wiring or an incorrect setup), you can fix these problems before they grow into bigger issues down the line! So don’t delay – have your system inspected today!
  • With proper maintenance and periodic testing, you should have no problem keeping your commercial solar roof running smoothly for years to come!
  • Can-Am Roofing of Central Florida, LLC offers roofing and solar services to customers in Rockledge, FL, and the surrounding areas.

If you have a commercial solar roof, you may have noticed that it’s not generating a charge. It can be highly concerning, as a solar panel system is integral to your production process. It’s essential to determine the cause of the issue and find a solution as soon as possible. Can-Am Roofing of Central Florida, LLC will go over possible reasons why your solar panel isn’t charging and provide suggestions for solving the problem.

Common Issues with Commercial Solar Roofs

Commercial solar roofs are becoming increasingly popular for business owners and homeowners alike. However, when your solar roof needs to generate more charge, you may wonder what the cause is.

1. Solar Charge Controller Issue

The charge controller is the most common reason for a solar panel not charging batteries. The charge controller regulates the power coming from the solar panels and keeps it at an appropriate level for your batteries. A faulty or malfunctioning charge controller can lead to problems with battery charging. To check if this is the issue, look at the charge controller settings and make sure they are correct. You can also check for any signs of damage or corrosion on the charge controller.

2. Faulty Solar Panel

Another issue could be that one or more solar panels in your system must be fixed. It could be due to physical damage, faulty wiring connections, or even just a buildup of dust and grime blocking light from reaching them effectively. Before replacing any panels, scrutinize each panel for any signs of damage or blockage that could be causing issues with power generation. 

3. Incorrect Setup

Suppose everything looks okay with your hardware components, but you still can’t get your system to generate a charge. In that case, it may be due to an incorrect setup or configuration issue. Make sure all connections between components are secure and correct before trying again to see if that solves your problem. Also, double-check that all settings are set up correctly and according to manufacturer instructions before troubleshooting further.

4. Faulty Battery 

Finally, your battery may have become damaged over time due to improper use or storage conditions leading to reduced capacity or outright failure of cells inside the battery pack itself, which would result in power output problems when trying to recharge them via solar energy input. Test out different batteries to diagnose this issue further before considering replacement.

All in all, there are several potential causes for why your commercial solar roof isn’t generating a charge—from faulty hardware components like the charge controller or battery pack to incorrect setup issues like wiring connections or incompatible settings—which can be easily identified through careful inspection and testing procedures to find solutions quickly and efficiently so you can get back up and running quickly. With these tips, you’ll be able to troubleshoot any problems with your solar roof without hassle! Thanks for reading!

Tips to Solve Commercial Solar Roof Issues

1. Assess the Roof

The first step in solving commercial solar roof issues is to assess the roof. It means taking a close look at the condition of the roof and determining what, if any, repairs are needed. If the top is in good condition, it should support the weight of the solar panels without issue. However, if the roof’s condition is poor, it may need to be repaired or replaced before installing solar panels.

Also, read our blog on solar scams and deceptive practices.

2. Choose the Right Type of Solar Panel

Solar panels are of two types: monocrystalline and polycrystalline. Monocrystalline panels are made from single silicon crystals. They are more efficient, while polycrystalline panels are made from multiple silicon crystals but are more expensive.

3. Consider the Climate

When choosing commercial solar panels, it is crucial to consider the climate in which they will be used. Solar panels work best in sunny environments, so monocrystalline panels would be the best choice if the business is located in an area with lots of sun. However, if the company is in a cloudy climate, then polycrystalline panels would be a better choice.

4. Calculate the Size of the System

The next step in solving commercial solar roof issues is to calculate the system size needed. It will depend on several factors, including the amount of electricity the business uses and the amount of sunlight that hits the roof. Once the size of the system has been determined, it will be easier to choose the right type and number of solar panels.

5. Install Brackets or Racks

Once the size and type of solar panel have been chosen, it is time to install brackets or racks to hold them in place. The brackets or racks should be installed to be level and secure. They should also be installed in areas where trees or other objects will not obstruct them.

6. Connect the Panels to an Inverter

The next step is to connect each solar panel to an inverter. The inverter converts direct current (DC) into alternating current (AC), which businesses can use. Choosing an inverter compatible with the type of solar panel being used is vital.

7. Mounting Rails and Wires

After connecting all solar panels to inverters, it is time to install mounting rails and wires. The mounting rails provide support for the solar panels and keep them level. The cables connect each panel to its inverter and carry electricity from one panel to another. It is essential to ensure that all connections are secure and that no loose wires are hanging down from the system.

8. Use Quality Materials

It is essential to use quality materials for commercial solar roofs. It includes the panels and the mounts used to attach them to your top. Quality materials will help ensure that your project is durable and long-lasting.


9. Hire a Reputable Roofing Contractor

Another important tip for ensuring a successful commercial solar roof project is to hire a reputable roofing contractor. The contractor you choose should have experience installing solar roofs and should be able to provide you with references from past projects. Additionally, get a written estimate from the roofing contractor before beginning work.

Click here to learn the answers to FAQs about commercial solar rooftop systems.

Need Solar Services in Rockledge, FL? No Problem!

Can-Am Roofing of Central Florida, LLC is the best choice among roofing contractors in Rockledge, FL. We have over 20+ years of experience in high-quality commercial solar roofs and solar solutions and a firm commitment to excellence. Plus, we are fully licensed, bonded, insured, and certified by some of the most well-known names in the business. So what are you waiting for?

Contact us today to get a free estimate!