Apr 17, 2023


Key Takeaways:

  • Roof buckling occurs when the roofing material stretches and distorts due to excess weight, eventually shifting and creating bulges.
  • Commercial roofs are generally built with materials that have a specific weight limit.
  • Roof buckling also occurs in climates with extreme weather patterns throughout the year.
  • Adding extra insulation is one of the most common solutions for roof buckling.
  • Professional roofers are the best choice for ensuring safety when repairing a commercial roof with solar panels.

If your solar panels have a hard time producing energy, you may have an underlying problem. When added on top of an existing roof, the additional weight from the installation can cause roofs to sag or buckle over time.

It is especially true in commercial properties where flat rooftops experience more strain due to their linear shape and heavier foot traffic throughout the day.

If facing these issues, it’s best to contact a professional commercial roofer to receive adequate roof maintenance on time. However, to give you a better idea about the necessity of getting a commercial roof repaired, let’s discuss some essential things.

What’s Roof Buckling?

Roof buckling is a common problem when the roofing material stretches and distorts due to excess weight, eventually shifting and creating bulges.

That can include significant gaps in the roofing material to uneven surfaces. In the case of solar panels, it’s essential to ensure the extra weight doesn’t cause permanent damage or even collapse your roof entirely.

Reasons Why Roof Buckling Occurs


Being overweight is the primary cause of roof buckling. Commercial roofs are generally built with materials that have a specific weight limit and can’t handle any more strain than that.

When solar panels are added to a flat roof, it increases the total weight of the structure and often exceeds the maximum capacity. It leads to warping and distortion of the roofing material over time.


Another common cause of roof buckling is moisture. It’s important to understand that commercial roofs are designed to be water-resistant but not necessarily waterproof. Over time, water can seep in and affect the structure’s integrity, which often leads to buckling.

Additionally, suppose snow or ice accumulates on your roof faster than it can melt off. It can contribute to excessive weight and cause buckling issues.

Old Age

Roof buckling can also be attributed to old age. As roofs age, they become more susceptible to damage and eventually fail. It is especially true in climates with extreme temperatures or drastic changes in weather patterns throughout the year.

Improper Installation

Suppose the solar panels are not correctly mounted to the roof. In that case, it can cause uneven weight distribution and tension, leading to sagging or buckling. This problem is especially likely if you’re using an inexperienced professional who isn’t familiar with commercial roofing construction and best practices.

What Kind Of Repairs Can Be Made On a Roof With Solar Panels?

Adding Additional Insulation

Extra insulation is one of the most common solutions for roof buckling due to solar panel installation. It helps reduce the heat transfer from the solar panels to the roof, which can help prevent further damage, buckling, or sagging.

Replacement Of Damaged Materials

If the damage on the roof is too extensive, replacing some of the damaged materials may be necessary. It could include replacing broken tiles, shingles, underlayment, or any other roof components damaged by buckling due to solar panel installation.

A professional commercial roofer can assess the damage’s extent and advise you on what repairs need to be done.

Strengthening The Roof’s Support System

Another standard repair method for a commercial roof with solar panels is strengthening the underlying support structure. It can be done by adding bracing, cross-braces, or increasing the number of joists underneath. It helps distribute more weight evenly across the area and minimize tension-related buckling.

Signs That A Roof With Solar Panels Needs Repairs

Discoloration Or Stains Around The Solar Panel Arrays

Discoloration or stains are signs that the roofing material is failing. It could be due to water intrusion, condensation, or overheating of the panels. It can also indicate that the sealant used to secure the panels has worn away and needs to be replaced.

Damage Or Cracking In Shingles Near Solar Panel Arrays

If cracks in the shingles surround your solar panel array, they should be inspected immediately. Cracks in roofing materials allow water to enter your roof system and cause further damage.

These need to be addressed quickly before any more damage is caused. Additionally, it’s vital to ensure proper fasteners are used when installing solar arrays so that cracking does not occur prematurely.

Leaks From Roof Penetrations

When solar panels are mounted to a roof, professional commercial roofers may use metal flashing and sealants at the panel penetration points. Over time, these materials can wear out due to environmental factors such as rain, snow, or UV radiation.

Should this happen, water can seep in and cause severe damage to your building’s structure. To avoid leaks, professional roofers need to use high-quality materials when mounting solar arrays so that they don’t need replacing after just a few years.

Here’s some more information about water damage you need to know.

Signs Of Aging On The Solar Array

In addition to checking for structural damage, professional commercial roofers should also inspect the condition of your solar array when performing roofing maintenance or repairs. Over time, solar panels can become discolored or cracked due to prolonged exposure to the sun and other environmental factors.

Furthermore, suppose there is an issue with the wiring or connections between the panels. In that case, they may not work as efficiently as they should. Professional roofers have the tools and expertise to evaluate these issues so that you can get any necessary repairs done quickly and correctly.


Reasons To Choose Professional Commercial Roofers for Roof Maintenance.


Professional commercial roofers have the knowledge and experience to identify potential problems, such as water infiltration or buckling due to solar panel installation. They can also advise how to address those issues, preventing costly repairs.


Professional roofers are often certified in their field. It means they deeply understand local building codes and safety regulations that must be followed when performing roof maintenance or repairing a roof with solar panels. It ensures your roof is up-to-code and will last for years to come.

Professional roofers are the best choice for ensuring that the job is done correctly and safely when repairing a commercial roof with solar panels. As well as offering expertise in local building codes, professional roofers can also provide guidance on new technology, materials, and methods used in modern roof construction.

Can-Am Roofing of Central Florida, LLC offers a vast range of commercial roofing services in Palm Bay, FL. We have been serving the roofing industry for over 20 years. We provide our clients with the best quality roofing services. Get a free estimate for your roofing project today!